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Is decanting wine worth it?

Francisca JaraFrancisca Jara

Francisca Jara

Some argue that all wines benefit from the use of a decanter. But for many, it is a dreaded object that is often left to the experts. Below, we will decipher all the details about the famous decanter.

Did you know that decanting wine is nothing more than moving this liquid from one container to another wider one? Generally, from the bottle into a glass decanter, what this action seeks is to remove sediments that may have deposited at the bottom of the bottle of aged wines, as well as allowing the wine to come into contact with oxygen so that it can express itself better. For this reason, there are those who argue that all wines can benefit from the use of a decanter.

However, it is not essential to decant all of them. In addition, not all wines need the same decanting time. The recommendation is always to evaluate each case individually.

As we said, a very good reason to do this is to clean the wine and drink it without small pieces of sediment appearing in the palate. This generally occurs with wines that have been stored for a long time, or also in those that have not undergone a filtering and clarification process. Whether white or red, the appearance of solid sediment is a normal process because of oxidation or reduction. As is the case with the union of sugar molecules that fall to the bottom in the form of crystals. In both cases, it is not a defect but a natural process. Why clean them then? Because in addition to affecting the wine aesthetically, they could taste bitter or astringent.

The other reason is to maximize the exposure to oxygen of young wines and thus help them express themselves better. What does this mean? That their tannins soften, their edges feel rounder and those nuances that seem hidden are revealed. It is important to know that a prolonged decanting could even give an idea of ​​how this wine could evolve over the years.

The oxygen subject, however, is delicate. Because in the case of wines that are very old, being so delicate… they could be ruined by prolonged decanting or feel vinegary. The recommendation, in case of decanting old wines, is to serve them immediately. Do not leave them in the decanter.

How to decant wine

First, remove the bottle from your cellar or cabinet, keeping it horizontally and making sure not to disturb the sediment. Then, very carefully, remove the capsule, cleaning the top along with the neck of the bottle. Gently remove the cork. Once opened, hold the bottle in a bright place, and carefully pour the wine and stop once you see the sediment in the neck of the wine bottle. Wait a few minutes and enjoy!

Don’t know what wine to decant? If you are in doubt, two wines that benefit greatly from this process are Marques de Casa Concha Cabernet Sauvignon and Marques de Casa Concha Syrah.


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